This month’s quickfire Q&A comes courtesy of Levon Nikoghosyan, CEO at PartnerMatrix
Q: What makes PartnerMatrix a great partner for affiliates?
As the company’s name states, we are real partners who care about the success of our clients and we depend on the prosperity of our operators. Apart from providing a cutting-edge affiliate software platform, we are constantly supporting our operators with any issues, business insights and sharing tips and tricks of how to make it in the igaming affiliate world.
Q: What do you enjoy most about your job?
I’m simply in love with my job. We are competing in a field which allows us to be creative in solving our clients’ requests. It is very challenging but, in the end, it helps us to be ahead of our competitors which is very rewarding for me. We started five years ago as a start-up product of EveryMatrix and now we are competing head-to-head with NetRefer, Income Access and other traditional platforms out there.
Q: If you could give one piece of advice to an aspiring affiliate manager, what would it be?
Always do what you are passionate about. Don’t try to cover everything and every niche as the practice shows that you can’t take them all at once. You need to achieve big heights step-by-step. Learn all about the trends in your niche and your region, what type of deals are suited to your affiliates and don’t be afraid to test with various marketing channels.
Q: Who would play you in the movie about your life?
This is a role for Sacha Baron Cohen.
Q: What’s your karaoke song of choice?
The Rolling Stones with Rain Fall Down.
Q: Which one thing can’t you live without?
Without a constructive life goal.
Q: Who would you most like to be stuck in an elevator with?
With someone positive!
Q: Where would you time travel to and why?
Around 30,000 years ago to watch my ancestors hunting mammoths.
Q: What is your favourite TV programme?
Discovery Channel’s Naked and Afraid.
Q: What is your biggest guilty pleasure?
Going to karaoke with my friends.
Q: If you won the lottery, what would you spend the money on?
I would travel around the world on my yacht writing detective novels… or simply invest and keep doing what I do now because I love being in the affiliate world.
Q: Name one place everyone should visit before they die.
Las Vegas.
Levon Nikoghosyan is the CEO of PartnerMatrix, affiliate marketing and agent software, part of EveryMatrix Group.
The original version of this interview has been published by EGR Marketing on February 18, 2020, under the title Five minutes with…Levon Nikoghosyan of PartnerMatrix.